Haverfield Memorial Service
The event
ORDER OF CEREMONY December 7, 2024 7:55 a.m. (opening music being provided by Troy Akins) at Uhrichsville City Park’s Veteran’s Memorial
Call to Order……………………Bob Michels, emcee
Posting of the Colors……………Honor Guard: American Legion – Post 491
National Anthem………………CHS Student Cruz Vicente-Shondelmyer
Welcome………………………………Mayor Jim Zucal
Pledge of Allegiance………………Mayor Jim Zucal
Invocation…………………………….Pastor Mark Unrue
Haverfield History…………… Bob Michels
Moment of Silence………………8:10 a.m. (if possible)
[according to articles, this is the time the U.S.S. Arizona was hit]
Amazing Grace…………………Flutist Linda Davis
Laying of Wreath……………… USS Haverfield Sailor
Navy Hymn “Eternal Father” …. Cathy Cottis, a reading
Ringing of Chime (83 times) ……Volunteers
Remarks…………………………USS Haverfield Sailors
Musical Selection………………All “God Bless America”
Invitation to Reception…………. Big Bend Golf Course 315 W. 10th Street
Benediction……………………. Pastor Mark Unrue
Posting of Colors………………. Honor Guard
“Taps” …………………………CHS Student Ella Dorsey