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Healthy Tusc seeking feedback from residents

| June 3, 2024

DOVER (WJER) (June 3, 2024) – The community is again getting to guide future local health and wellness initiatives.

Healthy Tusc is inviting Tuscarawas County residents ages 18 and over to participate in the latest online community health needs assessment. Chairperson Jennifer Demuth says it takes around 15 minutes to complete and helps the coalition decide where to focus its resources over the next three years. 

“They will be asked a little bit of information about what they think the most important community health needs are here in Tuscarawas County. Everyone will also be asked a little bit about their own health and the health and the needs of their family members, but it is completely anonymous so your responses and your input will not be connected to your name.” 

Healthy Tusc is a coalition of more than 20 local health and human service organizations working together for the betterment of Tuscarawas County and its residents. Demuth says the group conducts one of these online needs assessments every three years to determine where to focus its resources.

“Our goal is to get close to 400 responses, but we certainly welcome more responses than 400. The more the merrier. The more people participate the more accurate the information will be, and it will help us as health and social service leaders create the services that are most needed right here in the county.”

Those who complete the anonymous online questionnaire will be directed to a separate form where they can enter their personal information to be in the running for one of six $50 gas cards.

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