UPDATE: Service being restored in neighborhood where contractor struck gas line

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Jan. 31, 2025) – Enbridge Gas says service will be restored tonight in the neighborhood where a fiber contractor bored through one of its lines.
“At 4 o’clock we started notifying customers that we’re beginning to restore service,” says Communications Consultant Stephanie Moore. “We’ve dispatched employees to that area. Probably around 7, we should have about 30 employees canvassing that neighborhood to perform safety checks and relight appliances.”
The outage was in 100 and 200 blocks of Second and Third Street Southwest and on parts of Front Avenue and Bank Lane. New Philadelphia Service Director Ron McAbier says it happened Wednesday afternoon when a fiber contractor bored through a gas line and into a nearby watermain on Wednesday causing the line to flood.
“It went through the main gas line and then traveled on, and approximately two-feet away from there was our main two-inch waterline. So that ended up piercing the waterline, and the water actually went over into the gas line”
Moore says if a customer isn’t home tonight, the employee will leave a card with the number to call to have someone stop back later.
“Our customers have been amazing during this unusual outage. We can’t thank them enough for their patience and understanding.”
Overnight accommodation remains available though the company if needed.