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Renovated activity center debuts at Atwood Lake

| July 15, 2024

MINERAL CITY (WTUZ) (July 15, 2024) – Atwood Lake Park is celebrating its newly renovated activity center.

The space features an open area that can accommodate 158 people and a larger general store, with construction completed in roughly nine months. Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Director Craig Butler was pleased with the crowd for Saturday’s ribbon cutting.

“It’s fantastic. I was hopeful that people would come, and I think people were really interested to see. This is a central gathering point, a focal point of the park. It was desperately in need of repair and renovated.”

Crews also recently repaved 4,100 feet of existing walking trails leading to the facility. MWCD Chief of Recreation Peter Novotny says it serves as a central gathering location.

“It has an activity hub where we’re gonna invite people to join us whether it’s receptions or events and also just a place for them to gather as a community. When we think about camping, sometimes we think about just your little spot and at Atwood here we’re just giving all the campers to come enjoy friendship and spend time together.”

Stanley Miller Construction completed the $1.6-million project that included HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and wi-fi upgrades.

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