4-H kids wrap up successful 2023 Tuscarawas County Fair

DOVER (WJER) (Sept. 25, 2023) – The Tuscarawas County Fair has come to a close for another year after a week of fun and memories for all involved.
The small animal sale for the 4-H kids involving their goats, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, and ducks raised more than $176,000 on Saturday, or nearly $30,000 more than a year ago.
The dairy sale on Friday generated more than $126,000
When you combine them with the large animal auction from Thursday, all sales for the week totaled just over $1.7 million dollars, up $73,000 from the 2022 amount.
Market Goats:
Grand Champion Market Goat – exhibitor Kody Stein purchased by Cronebaugh Auction Service; CYA Exchange; & Bob Hall Auctioneer for $22.00 a pound
Reserve Champion Market Goat – exhibitor Jacqui Blose purchased by Michelle & Lauren Rennicker & Bases Loaded Indoor Training Facility for $16 a pound
Rabbit Pens:
Grand Champion Rabbit Pen – exhibitor Rachel Sigler purchased by Novelis Uhrichsville Works for $1900
Reserve Champion Rabbit Pen –exhibitor Madalyn Meck purchased by Mike-Matco Tools for $1400
Grand Champion Broilers – exhibitor Lincoln Flinner purchased by Gateway Roylaty LLC for $3100
Reserve Champion Broilers – exhibitor Norah Chismar purchased by Jamie’s Apple Treats for $2250
Grand Champion Turkey – exhibitor Hunter Albright purchased by Bennington Propane & Tappan Lakeside Resort for $2000
Reserve Champion Turkey – exhibitor Griffen Stocker purchased by Lucky Tree Service for $3000
Grand Champion Duck – exhibitor Ronan Chismar purchased by Gateway Royalty LLC for $1750
Reserve Champion Duck – exhibitor Norah Chismar purchased by Broad Run Poultry LLC-Matt Miller for $1750