Cell phones to receive alerts for emergency notification system testing
NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Oct. 3, 2023) – Tuscarawas County EMA Director Noah Porter is letting cell phone users know about the nationwide wireless alert system test that will take place Wednesday afternoon so they’re not caught off guard.
A test alert will go out at 2:20 pm that will cause every device that’s turned on and within range of an active tower to vibrate and blare a loud tone.
“So they do this so they can test and make sure the system if it’s used in an emergency actually does work as they intend it to.”
WJER listeners will also hear a separate alert beginning at the same time and lasting around a minute as officials simultaneously test the other system for notifying the public about large-scale emergencies.
“So if there was an incident where information needed to get out to large populations quickly, we could send notifications out to cell phones, TVs, radios, that sort of thing in order to get information out quickly to as many people as possible.”
Local emergency alerts go out through the countywide reverse 911 system. Porter says landlines get them automatically but not cell phones, which you’ll need to register through the Tuscarawas County Sheriff’s Office website.