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Christmas with a Cop returns for year 14

| December 4, 2023

Tuscora FOP Lodge members are again getting to play Santa to area children through the Christmas with a Cop holiday assistance program. (Tuscora Lodge # 4 Fraternal Order of Police)

DOVER (WJER) (Dec. 4, 2023) – The local FOP chapter is again seeking donations for its holiday assistance program.

President Bob Everett says Christmas with a Cop is back for the 14th time to make the season brighter for participating students and their families. Checks made out to FOP Tuscora Lodge # 4 can be mailed to PO Box 2 in Dover and allow the organization to buy presents for each child under 18 in the household. 

“Usually, right around 30 or 32 is what we end up with and then we spend an allotted amount per family. We also get them a gift card from a local grocery store so they can purchase things for Christmas break and Christmas day.”

Gifts will be delivered to recipients’ homes on December 16th in a caravan of police cruisers. Everett says it started as a way to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic but became a new tradition.

“We really liked that just a little bit better than having them all gather for a light lunch or something because the folks in our communities were able to see the police making their rounds and again that caravan of cars and when they were able to see us jump out with bags of gifts, it kind of shed a more positive light on the police.”

It usually takes around $6,000 to fund the program, but Everett says they’ll likely need between $7,000 and $7,500 this year because of inflation. 

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