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Claymont seeking proposals for solar field at high school

| January 22, 2024
Solar panels could soon be providing power to Claymont High School. (WJER Radio)

DENNISON (WJER) (Jan. 22, 2024) – Claymont school leaders are looking into harnessing the power of the sun to help lower the district’s electric bills.

The board of education is seeking proposals to add solar panels to a field near the high school. Superintendent Brian Rentsch says Titan Energy is overseeing the effort that’s estimated to save the school system $1.3-million to $1.5-million over 25 years.

“The only thing that we have involvement in is we are providing the property. The company that wins the bid would come in and they are responsible for installation, maintenance, upkeep, and then whenever the term ends, they would be responsible for taking the panels out.”

Some school districts elsewhere in our region have already made the switch to solar or are in the process.

“East Liverpool is going with an aggressive plan, so they are one. Toronto is another school. Barnesville has expressed some interest from what I was told as well as East Guernsey.”

Rentsch says nothing is set in stone at this point but if the board decides to take the next steps, installation will likely begin in the spring of 2025.

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