Close or go home early? Tuscarawas County schools split on eclipse question

DOVER (WJER) (March 12, 2024) – Snow days, calamity days, in-service days, and now add eclipse day to the list of reasons students get to stay home from school.
Dover City Schools are among Ohio districts giving kids the day off on April 8th for a once every few-hundred years solar eclipse. Superintendent Karie McCrate says the teachers will come to school that day but not the students. She hopes the day off allows students to safely view the eclipse with their families.
Other schools giving students the day off are Tuscarawas Central Catholic, Tusky Valley and Strasburg.
Some districts have opted for a two-hour early dismissal, including New Philadelphia. Superintendent Amy Wentworth says that should allow kids to experience the eclipse without missing a day of school. The eclipse is expected to start around 2 p.m.
Joining New Philadelphia with two-hour early dismissal are Garaway, Claymont, Indian Valley and Newcomerstown.
Buckeye Career Center is accommodating students from 11 districts. Some won’t be in, some will dismiss early, and some may stay the whole day depending on their home district. Buckeye’s adult classes won’t be impacted.
Schools plan to resume after-school activities later in the day.