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Commissioners recognize MS Awareness Month

| March 25, 2024

Edward Hale, who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2006, holds a signed proclamation from the Tuscarawas County Commissioners recognizing March as National MS Awareness Month. (WJER Radio)

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (March 25, 2024) – Tuscarawas County leaders are drawing attention to a chronic and often disabling disease that strikes a new person virtually every hour in the United States.

The commissioners are recognizing National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month here in March with a countywide proclamation, as read by Board Clerk Rhonda Jordan.

“We the commissioners urge as of this day all citizens to join in the effort and recognition along with the support of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise awareness and funding for the worthwhile effort and display support to an individual who may have the disease.”

Carroll County resident Edward Hale requested the recognition. He was diagnosed with MS in 2006, the same year then-Ohio Governor Robert Taft signed the law making awareness month a statewide observance.

“It’s not a life-killing disease. You can’t die from it. Some people say you can, but it’s proven that it can’t. But it can slow you down, and the more you think negative about it, the more it will slow you down. That’s why I try to stay optimistic.”

Board of Commissioners President Kristen Zemis found the visit informative and inspiring.

“It’s great to have somebody who’s that committed to bringing awareness to all of us and also to highlight the research and the new drugs that are available and also how he perseveres every day to live his life to the fullest.”

Hale has been traveling from county to county asking leaders for help raising awareness. He’s up to five including his own so far and hopes to eventually make it to all 88. 

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