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Credit Union was thankfully not busy when a car crashed into the lobby

| December 20, 2023
The lobby at the DoverPhila Federal Credit Union Fillmore Avenue building will be closed, hopefully for just a week or so. The drive-through is still open.

DOVER (December 20, 2023) – No one was hurt inside DoverPhila Federal Credit Union when a vehicle crashed through the Fillmore Avenue building’s front doors and into the lobby Tuesday afternoon.

Director of Marketing Kelsey McConaha says she was in her office when it happened. She initially heard a noise that sounded like something falling. As it got louder she realized it was something more, so she went to check and, “There was car in our lobby.”

She says the lobby is closed for now, but the drive-through is still open. They ambitiously hope to have the lobby open again by next week.

McConaha is grateful this happened toward the end of a less busy day.

Dover Police were not immediately able to provide details on how the accident happened. They said they will have more information this afternoon.

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