Deer blamed for crash that closed Route 800 through Stillwater

RUSH TWP (WJER) (Dec. 14, 2023) – No one was seriously injured in the chain reaction crash that had state Route 800 closed in both directions through Stillwater for about 3 and a half hours this/Thursday morning.
New Philadelphia Post Trooper Matthew Clapper says the 6 am crash involving a Peterbilt truck and Buick La Cross started when a deer wandered into the path of the truck. (The driver slammed on the brakes, causing the truck to slide and jackknife across both lanes).
“He had applied the brakes, got into a slide, and jackknifed across the roadway.”
Clapper says the truck was then struck on the right side by the northbound Buick (whose occupants were both taken to Trinity Hospital Twin City with minor injuries).
“The occupants, they were transported to Trinity Hospital with minor injuries.”
Both vehicles sustained what Clapper describes as serious damage and had to be towed from the scene.