Dennison to seek replacement operating levy

DENNISON (WJER) (June 5, 2023) – Village voters will likely be deciding on a property tax increase in November.
Mayor Greg DiDonato says they’re planning to ask for a replacement of the town’s 2.4-mill operating levy to offset inflationary costs.
“As you know, we just gave massive raises, and they gotta be paid for, and you know we’re like everyone else. We’re experiencing the cost of doing business being a lot higher…It won’t generate a lot. It’ll generate about another $20,000 for us but that helps to ensure that we can provide the services that we currently do.”
The levy that officials want to replace is one of three the village collects from property owners, who also pay a separate 1.7-mill operating tax and 2-mills for road maintenance.
“A lot of towns have them for parks. They have them for police, fire, and all that. We don’t have that. So we don’t operate hugely on property taxes. It’s mostly income taxes and other sources of revenue.”
Replacing the 2.4-mill levy would increase taxes on a $100,000 home by around $30 annually. Dennison Council recently took the first step toward putting the request on the November 7th ballot but will have to pass two more pieces of legislation by August 9th to make it official.