Dover police find evidence of illegal hunting near city water tower

DOVER (December 1, 2023) – Police believe somebody has been illegally hunting on city property by the water tower near the southern border.
New Philadelphia Police initially received a call Tuesday afternoon about people hunting and shots heard behind residences on Hilltop Drive.
Dover Police found a makeshift tree-stand on one side of the water tower and corn on the other side. The next day they found an arrow.
However, police were unable to locate anyone hunting on the property.
ODNR Wildlife Officer Mike Budd says hunters need to be aware of local ordinances when picking a spot to hunt. Most municipalities, including Dover, have ordinances against discharging firearms within city limits, including Dover.
Budd says new apps can also be misleading. They may identify land as public property, but that doesn’t mean hunting is allowed there.
Budd says the Ohio Division of Wildlife will clearly mark public hunting areas with bright yellow signs.
There are two weekends left in the deer gun season – this weekend (Dec. 1-3) and an extra weekend Dec. 16 and 17.