Eighth-graders visit Buckeye for career ideas
NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (March 2, 2023) – Around 1,200 eighth-graders have been roaming the halls at Buckeye Career Center this week getting ideas about future career options. The school annually invites area students to a weeklong Career Carnival where this year they’re learning from 80 professionals, along with Buckeye instructors and students.
Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital Communications Manager Darrin Lautenschleger was among several Union staff members who made presentations.
“It’s actually very enjoyable because you get to see these kids, what they’re interested in, and how they’ve changed since you were that age.
“They’re very savvy. Kids these days, you can’t fool them… We’re going to be in good hands in the future.”
Buckeye and Indian Valley senior Aden Trushell led some of the eighth-graders in the mechanical and construction wing.
“I’m teaching them about electricity; trying to teach them about wiring up receptacles and outlets. We have some pretty cool displays out. We have a new furnace; a lot of masonry work they can go on.”
Trushell Wednesday was leading eighth-graders from Indian Valley, Garaway, and Conotton Valley in hands-on activities in the mechanical and construction wing.
“Today, it’s been a really good group. They’re really active. They’re actually listening to me. They’re doing it. They’re actually learning something. I think it’s pretty cool.”
He remembers when he went to the Career Carnival.
“Actually, I didn’t even come to the electrical part. I did everything differently. I went to the law enforcement. I didn’t like anything about it so when I came back for my sophomore visit I switched everything up. I went with completely new stuff. I got to meet Mr. Burdick here and it took off from there.”
Buckeye will host an open house for older students in a couple of weeks. The adult education open house is March 14th, highlighting full-time and part-time adult education programs. Those include cosmetology, welding, law enforcement, and more.