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Dover Library seeks submissions for teen literary magazine

/ February 28, 2023

The event

Local teens in grades six through twelve are invited to submit their original writing and artwork to the Dover Public Library for a chance to be published in the library’s Teen Literary Magazine, Tornado Alley. Teens may also apply to be an editor during this time. Any teen living in Tuscarawas Count may submit up to four pieces for consideration. Submission categories are fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art. Written submissions are to be typed using 12 point font and double spaced. Art submissions are to be 8.5 by 11 color copies or photographs of the work. All submissions must have a title. Submissions will also be accepted via email. Full submission guidelines can be found on the back of the submission form. That form can be found at the Dover Library or online at: then find Tornado Alley under Teen Programs.

Deadline for submissions is February 28th.