❄️ School Closings & Delays ❄️
SCHOOL CLOSINGS & DELAYS FOR FEB 6,    2025 CLOSED: Brown Local Schools, Creative Fish Preschool at First United Methodist, Fairless Local Schools, Ridgewood Local Schools, Sandy Valley Local Schools, St.    John’s Preschool, West Holmes Local Schools, YMCA AM Preschool
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Nellie Stockwell Memorial Grant in Aid – Tusc. Library

/ June 1, 2023

The event

Applications are being excepted for the Friends of the Tuscarawas County Public Library – Nellie Stockwell Memorial Grant in Aid. The grant is named after the library’s first librarian is open to area students who are planning to continue their education after high school. This year’s winner will receive $1,000. For more information visit: TuscLibrary.org

Deadline to apply is June 1st, 2023.