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Women Supporting Success

/ August 31, 2023

The event

Attention non-profit organizations—want to earn 300-500$ in 15 minutes?

The Women Supporting Success (an offshoot of the Women’s Success Series) is a group of women that meet quarterly and hear short presentations from several not-for-profit local organizations.  After the presentations, the women that are present will vote on one organization and each will write a check for $50 to that organization.  This quarter we will meet at 830AM at Missions Café in downtown Dover.  If you want to make a presentation, please bring your non-profit IRS paperwork, and plan a short (5-7 minute) presentation.

RSVP to  If you want to be part of this group, just show up with a check or hand off a check to one of the committee members and we’ll complete it after the vote.   Questions?  330-340-3025