Former Strasburg fire chief says he’s running for mayor

STRASBURG (WJER) (May 19, 2022) – Village voters may end up seeing the former fire chief’s name on the ballot in a future election.
Andy Slemmer during Tuesday’s village council meeting announced his candidacy for mayor, even though the next election for the office isn’t until 2023.
“Go ahead. Vote for me because I’ll tell you what’s on my mind… I don’t sugarcoat nothing. I tell you the truth. I don’t beat around the bush.”
That was after Slemmer, who was unhappy about being reprimanded by the new chief, resigned after 23 years with the department.
“I’ve got the letter right here: ‘Strasburg Council and Strasburg Fire Department, please accept this letter as my formal notification as I’m leaving the Strasburg Fire Department effective 5-17-2022. Sincerely, ex fire chief.’ So here you go. You can have that.”
Mayor Steve Smith wasn’t too concerned about the possibility of Slemmer running against him, saying he welcomed the challenge.
Slemmer served as chief from May of 2019 until March 1st, when Steven Laskey took over the position. Council hired Laskey based on the recommendation of a hiring committee that included the mayor, a village resident, and safety committee members. Slemmer was among the candidates they rejected.