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Free tax help available to most Tuscarawas County residents

| January 21, 2025

DOVER – Most people in Tuscarawas County can get free help with their taxes through a program offered by the United Way.

VITA – Volunteer Income Tax Assistance – is available to individuals with taxable income of $67,000 or less. Program coordinator Jack Dooling says that’s about three-quarters of the population in Tuscarawas County.

Dooling says the program is not just for senior citizens. However, many retirees on Social Security will qualify, as part or all of their Social Security income is not taxable income.

This is the seventh year for the program, which has grown exponentially, from 100 people the first year to more than 1,000 last year. Dooling says vita’s tax preparers are all trained and certified.

The VITA program is now scheduling appointments for Tuesdays, Thursdays and most Saturdays in February and March. Individuals will drop off their paperwork and fill out a questionnaire at the DoverPhila Federal Credit Union administration building on Filmore Avenue in Dover. They will be able to pick up their completed forms the following week.

Schedule appointments at or by calling 330-994-8482.

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