Gradall, striking employees still at odds

NEW PHILADELPHIA (May 7, 2024) – Gradall employees are still on strike after their union refused the latest contract offer from the company on Sunday.
Mike Haberman, executive vice president of the industrial group for Alamo Group, Gradall’s parent company, issued a statement.
“Based on our negotiations with the union along with the federal mediator, we are puzzled why this extremely strong offer has not been ratified. The basics of the offer would solidify our employees’ position at the top of the industrial/manufacturing companies in the county.”
IAM local 1285 also provided a statement.
“IAM Local 1285 (District 54) members at Gradall Industries in New Philadelphia, Ohio have voted to reject the company’s latest contract offer. The company’s wage and benefit package does not meet the expectations of its dedicated workforce, which worked through a pandemic and continues to make this company profitable. Workers are also struggling with work-life balance to spend time with their families due to the amount of overtime demanded, and have concerns about worker safety within the facility. The IAM will continue to stand strong with these dedicated workers as they fight for their families and communities.”
Haberman says Gradall will continue negotiating with the union. The strike began April 15.
Haberman provided a summary of the offer, noting it includes pay increases for five years (2024 – 8 percent; 2025 – 5 percent; 2026 – 3 percent; 2027 – 3 percent; 2028 – 3.5 percent) along with premium increases for second and third shifts. As far as health insurance, Haberman says the offer would “Freeze all medical contributions through the end of 2024,” and have, “no change to Wellness Medical Plan (Base & Buy-up) contribution caps for entire 5 year contract.” He says there is also improvement to the vacation schedule and a limit on mandatory overtime hours for non-maintenance employees.