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VFW taking nominations for Hometown Heroes banner program

| May 10, 2023

After a test run last summer, the VFW is getting ready to place Hometown Heroes banners on a couple dozen light poles along North and South Broadway. (WJER Radio)

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (May 10, 2023) – The VFW is partnering with the city to publicly recognize local veterans during the holidays that honor them.

The post has been taking nominations for the Hometown Heroes banners that will be going up on light posts along North and South Broadway ahead of Memorial Day. Commander Steve Chenevey says they did a test run last summer with four banners around the intersection in front of the courthouse.

“Obviously, there was a good reaction to it, and so this year the city said we’d go ahead and do the plan, and then hopefully next year they’ll do a cross-section of the city. Right now, they’re just gonna do Broadway, from like Fair Avenue to Front.”

He suspects they may end up with more requests for banners than they have places to put them, although folks who don’t make the cut aren’t out of luck. 

“Anybody that wants one, they can get one, and it may not be displayed this year but it’ll be in rotation so we can get it up in the future.”

Nomination forms are available at the New Philadelphia VFW. Chenevey says you’ll need to provide some basic information, including the military branch and years of service, along with a clear picture of the veteran you’re nominating. It doesn’t have to show the person in uniform, although you won’t get it back so bring a copy, not the original photo.    

The banners will remain up through Veterans Day in November and will then move to the VFW to be displayed for the rest of the year.  

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