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Indian Valley claims top honors in All-IVC boys bowling selections

| February 7, 2024

Daniel Grewell, the IVC boys bowling Player of the Year, signs a letter of intent to attend Davenport University and join the school's bowling team. Pictured, from left: standing, his mom and coach Shari Grewell, sister Kim Grewell, IVC boys bowling Coach of they Year; and seated, Davenport Coach Mick Eaton, Daniel Grewell, and his dad Jeff Grewell.

The Inter Valley Conference announced its first ever All-League Selections in boys bowling Wednesday.

Indian Valley’s Daniel Grewell is the player of the year, and Indian Valley’s Brice Miller is the coach of the year. The Braves finished the regular season undefeated.

Two more Braves are on the first team – Brentin Irwin and Colton Long.

Claymont has two first team All-IVC in bowling – Riley Milburn and Tyson Shetler.

The first-team is rounded out by Conotton Valley’s Bobby Brennan and Nate Downing, and Sandy Valley’s AJ Meighen.

IVC All-League Selections – boys bowling

Player of Year: Daniel Grewell Indian Valley Sr.

Coach of Year: Brice Miller Indian Valley

1st Team Selections:

  1. Riley Milburn Claymont Sr.
  2. Tyson Shetler Claymont Jr.
  3. Bobby Brennan Conotton Valley Sr.
  4. Nate Downing Conotton Valley Soph
  5. Daniel Grewell Indian Valley Sr.
  6. Brentin Irwin Indian Valley Jr.
  7. Colton Long Indian Valley Jr.
  8. AJ Meighen Sandy Valley Sr.

2nd Team 1. Brok Maurer Claymont Jr.

  1. Braylon Jute East Canton Soph.
  2. Tyler Steigerwald East Canton Jr.
  3. Blaine Linten Garaway Jr.
  4. Robert Jones Indian Valley Soph.
  5. Sean Maddox Sandy Valley Sr.
  6. Conlin Warwick Sandy Valley Jr.
  7. Roman Breehl Tuscarawas Central Catholic Jr.

Honorable Mention

Claymont: Charlie Lanzer Sr. Conotton Valley: Zack Parker Jr.

East Canton: James Stubblefield Soph.

Garaway: Gannon Baker Sr.

Indian Valley: Austen Gunn

Newcomerstown: Jaxson Mayo Soph.

Ridgewood: Logan Zimmer Jr.

Sandy Valley: Russell Hummel Sr.

Tuscarawas Central Catholic: Nick Williams Jr.

Final Standings

1st Indian Valley

2nd Conotton Valley

3rd Claymont

4th Sandy Valley

5th Newcomerstown

6th (tie) Garaway and Tusc. Cent. Catholic

8th East Canton

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