Kids can get free bike helmets at Safety Day in Uhrichsville
UHRICHSVILLE (WJER) (May 20, 2022) – Safety Day is Saturday in the Uhrichsville McDonald’s rear parking lot.
The County Health Department and Safe Communities of Tuscarawas County will give away free bike helmets to kids while supplies last from noon to 2 p.m.
There also will be free car seat safety checks and goody bags for the first one hundred families.
County Health Department spokesperson Jennifer Demuth says other activities will focus on the Click It or Ticket campaign promoting seatbelt use.
“Unfortunately, in 2021, the majority of traffic fatalities that happened in our county involved people who were not properly wearing their seatbelts or not wearing their seatbelts at all,” she said.
The American Italian Club of Dennison and the Dennison Rotary Club are helping to sponsor the free bike helmet giveaway. It’s part of the Ohio American Academy of Pediatrics “Put a Lid on it!” campaign.
Meanwhile, the Safe Communities “Click It or Ticket” campaign will kick off at 12:30 with an officer from the State Highway Patrol speaking about passenger safety.