New Phila community invited to help push new truck into fire station

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (July 27, 2022) – A new fire truck will roll into the New Philadelphia fire station this weekend, and residents can help get it there. Chief Jim Parrish says Saturday’s push-in event is a tradition. It’s at 3 p.m., and Miller’s Creamery will be there selling ice cream.
“We’re welcoming the community come in and help us push the new apparatus into service – it will be in service that day at 4:00 once we do that – and see what their tax dollars paid for.”
The city is buying the 2022 Pierce Enforcer and equipment for $692,000 through a lease purchase agreement.
“Payments are made through the line item 420 capital improvement fund. The money that comes in from Goshen Township for fire and EMS protection goes to that fund
It will replace a 1995 vehicle that will remain with the fleet on the second line as a backup.
“Our guys spent a ton of time developing the specifications and comparing things to other trucks similar to this. This truck is really going to be easy for them to work off of, increasing the margin of safety… and it’s very user-friendly for our firefighters.”