New Philadelphia bans recreational marijuana sales

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (April 23, 2024) – The city is banning recreational marijuana sales.
City Council Monday approved the ban to go alongside an existing ban on medical marijuana sales.
Law Director Marvin Fete authored the legislation and urged Council to pass it. He says downtown New Philadelphia would be a “terrible place” for a marijuana dispensary. He noted the proximity to the homeless shelter and the “potential elements” it would attract.
Mayor Joel Day called the legislation “proactive,” saying he would support Council’s vote.
Councilman Tom Simmelink says recreational marijuana sales do not fit in New Philadelphia, but he won’t be alarmed if they show up elsewhere.
Ohio voters passed Issue 2 in November, legalizing recreational marijuana. Fete says Issue 2 includes language allowing cities to regulate sales in their communities.
Fete says New Philadelphia’s ban won’t prohibit people from growing their own marijuana for personal use.