New Philadelphia’s Panstock features Michael Jackson’s drummer

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (April 26, 2024) – The New Philadelphia Steel Band will have its biggest Panstock concert yet as director Jeff Phillips presents the band’s 15th anniversary show Saturday at 6:30.
Heavy metal drummer turned steel pannist Tracey Thornton will again join the group. On the Ryan and Michele show this week he praised New Philadelphia and Phillips, whom he met right around the first Panstock 15 years ago.
Phillips says another guest performer has been on stage with some of the biggest names in entertainment. Johnathan “Sugarfoot” Moffett has drummed for Michael Jackson, Madonna and Elton John.
“John was the primary stage drummer for Michael Jackson,” Phillips said.
In addition, the Saint Louis High School Steel Drum Band from Michigan will combine with the New Philadelphia musicians to create an 85- to 90-piece steel drum orchestra who will perform four with Moffett, including a Michael Jackson medley.
Tickets to the 6:30 p.m. concert Saturday are 10 dollars at the door at New Philadelphia High School. Doors open at 6.