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PAC to reveal new season lineup Saturday evening

| June 9, 2023

The Performing Arts Center's 2023-24 season lineup will be revealed Saturday evening. (Kent State Tuscarawas)

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (June 9, 2023) – The Performing Arts Center is hosting a big bash this weekend to reveal the next acts that will be taking the stage there.

General Manager David Mitchell says Saturday’s season unveiling party at the PAC is for members only, but everyone else can watch along from home.

“If you’re not a member and you still want to know what’s going on next season, we are going to live stream the event, so you can go to our website and you can view the entire presentation. It’ll start at 7 and will probably be a total of 40 minutes or 45 minutes as we talk about all the new shows coming out and look at video clips.”

While it’s too late to become a member and get on the guest list, Mitchell says if you’re a frequent showgoer it’s still worth getting one for the other benefits. Members get first dibs on tickets for the upcoming season and the option to buy them for a discounted price earlier.

“So if you buy four to seven shows, then you save $5 per ticket. [That] ticket adds up pretty quickly. If you buy eight or more shows, it’s $10 [off] per ticket, which depending on the combination of shows that you’re purchasing, it’s basically getting at least one show free, maybe more shows free.”

Individual tickets for the shows being announced Saturday go on sale to members this coming Monday but everyone else has to wait until June 21st. Memberships start at $100 and can be purchased

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