Planning to start for 2022 One Book, One Community program

DOVER (WJER) (Mar. 1, 2022) – The Tuscarawas County Literacy Coalition will soon begin mapping out a schedule for its newest One Book, One Community selection.
The coalition recently announced the program that creates a shared reading experience for participants will revolve around ‘Kent State’ by Deborah Wiles this year. The book explores the May 4, 1970 protests and National Guard shootings that left four students dead.
Coalition Treasurer and Dover Public Library Director Jim Gill says it is targeted toward a high school and adult audience.
“We’re excited about getting this book into the community primarily because history is lost if we don’t talk about it,” he said.
Gill says members of the selection committee heard recommendations and agreed this was a good fit.
“It’s amazing the number of people who have a connection to May 4th, 1970, whether they were a student there or they knew somebody there, or they knew someone who was shot that day or involved in the National Guard, ” Gill said.
Gill says a planning committee will now set up book discussions and events for this fall. He says those are typically revealed in August and get underway in September, ending with the culminating author event at Kent State Tuscarawas.
“So that gives two months of promotion and programs and community activities all leading up to an Evening with Deborah Wiles, which is on Monday, November 7th, 2022 at Founders Hall in the auditorium.”
Gill says participants will also have the option of using the audio version of the book.
“It’s phenomenal. There’s a wide cast of characters with different voices; men, women, young old. It just gives it so much flavor and texture,” he said.
Gill says every library in the county will soon have copies of the book if they don’t already.

Kent State author Deborah Wiles