Rockets honor flag football coach as they support cancer awareness

The Rockets flag football team and cheer squad traded in their normal maroon and white for pink and purple at their last home game of the season. Under the leadership of athlete-leader Rachael Russell the Rockets dedicated the night to cancer awareness.
Their hope was to show their support to all of those who have fought and are currently fighting cancer. In a show of solidarity, the Rockets and Stark DD’s athletes all walked a lap around the track prior to the game.
At halftime, Rockets head coach, Frittz McGinnis, who is currently battling cancer, was honored with a signed football.
Cheered on by their amazing cheer squad, the Rockets fought hard on the field to emerge with a 30-12 victory against the visiting team. Scoring touchdowns for the Rockets were Chris Wernert (2), Josh Hampton, and Steve Hazelip. Gary Calkins and Hazelip served as quarterbacks. The Rockets also scored 6 extra points.
The Rockets will be on the road for their last regular season game at Belmont on Wednesday, Oct. 25. They will then head to Special Olympics Ohio’s State Flag Football Tournament at The Spire Institute in Geneva Oct. 28-29.