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Senior Center opening sixth satellite in Strasburg

| July 25, 2023

Lynda Greco (far left) led the group that developed the operating plan for the Tuscarawas County Senior Center's newest satellite location in the basement of Strasburg First United Methodist Church. She's picture here next to the entrance with Pastor Matthew Wald, Satellite Manager Heather Black, and Senior Center Executive Director Jamie Smith. (Tuscarawas County Senior Center)

STRASBURG (WJER) (July 24, 2023) – Members of the village’s 50-north population will soon have a place in town to socialize with their peers.

This social hall in the basement of Strasburg United Methodist Church will be offering activities and daily lunches three days a week beginning Sept. 5th as a satellite for the Tuscarawas County Senior Center. (WJER)

The Tuscarawas County Senior Center’s newest satellite location opens September 5th in the basement of Strasburg United Methodist Church at 206 Second Street NW. Executive Director Jamie Smith says a local governing board and part-time manager will oversee the satellite that will offer order-ahead lunches and activities on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 8 to 1. 

“It’s very exciting that we’re partnering with the United Methodist Church in Strasburg for the location and the fact that they have such an active board of directors, we’re really excited to see where this satellite leads in the community.”

A group of residents led by Lynda Greco developed the operating plan for the site that senior center directors approved back in June. Mayor Steve Smith thinks it will be a great addition to the village, which has never had a designated place for older residents to gather.

“We’ve got Franklin Terrace just two blocks down the street. They can come and patronize the senior center. It was something that we felt was needed here in the village as our village gets older.”

Those wanting to patronize the Strasburg Satellite can get a one-year social membership for $10. Keep an eye on the Tuscarawas County Senior Center’s website and Facebook page for a newsletter with the menu and activity schedule.


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