Shelter hosting yearly cat care supply collection

NEW PHILADLEPHIA (WJER) (June 9, 2023) – The Tuscarawas County Humane Society is feeling the impact of “kitten season.”
Shelter Director Haley Predragovich estimates they’ve been getting 15 to 20 kitten-related calls per day.
“Literally, every unspayed female is having kittens, and when we have a mom and kittens, it sounds like a great time. It really does. Everybody loves kittens. Kittens are so much fun, but in a shelter sitatuation it’s actually one of our most stressful times of the year.”
She says they’re doing their best to keep up with the influx, but the shelter only has so much space.
“If we have a mommy with newborn kittens, she’s in isolation or in foster care until those kittens are at least 8 weeks of age, and that really just holds up space, whether it’s in our isolation ward or it’s in foster care. Either those cages or that foster family is full until those kittens can be taken away from mom.”
The humane society is hosting its yearly Kitten Season Donation Drive all weekend to stock up on food, litter, and other cat care supplies.
“The more that we get donated, the less that we would have to spend on a regular basis so that way, we can put those funds toward medical costs and other shelter needs.”
They’re asking for canned Purina brand cat and kitten chow, Friskies pate, and any type of scoopable litter, along with unscented baby wipes and kitten milk replacer. Donations can be dropped off or mailed to the shelter at 1342 Tall Timber Road NE in New Philadelphia.