Sheriff to run for re-election as Independent candidate

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Dec. 21, 2023) – Tuscarawas County Democrats won’t be seeing the current sheriff on their ballots in March. And neither will Republicans.
Orvis Campbell earlier this week announced his intent to run for re-election as an independent candidate. He feels partisanship has divided America more than usual in recent years, and says he wants no part in it.
“For the first time in my career, it’s become a significant issue. I’ve actually had a crime victim who was a white-collar crime victim who wasn’t comfortable dealing with me because I was in the ‘wrong party.’ That was something that was worked through… but I’ve never had that kind of thing in my career, and it’s made me think a lot about how I want to be perceived here in the county.”
Campbell has been a Democrat on paper his entire adult life and won his first two terms as such. However, he says he never has and never will vote for someone simply because of their political affiliation.
“There are some wonderful Democrats in this county that I’ve always supported [like] Chris Abbuhl and Jeanne Stephen. I will always support them because they do a fantastic job and I’ve worked with them around the table on many issues and I don’t think you could find anyone better, but I’ve also done that for Republicans.”
Campbell is part of the group backing Empower Tusc Coordinator Jodi Salvo’s bid to unseat incumbent 51st District state representative and fellow Republican Brett Hillyer. He was a part of the Tuscarawas County Democratic Party’s central committee and several others but stepped down Monday ahead Salvo’s campaign kickoff event.