Signal removal on hold as officials look for way to make crosswalk safer

STRASBURG (WJER) (March 11, 2024) – The pedestrian crossing signal at the entrance to the park is staying there for now.
Council last week tabled a plan to remove the signal with flashing lights and repurpose it elsewhere in the village. Mayor Bruce Metzger requested the pause while he finds out what it would cost to brighten up the area.
“So I’ll wait for them figures before we make a decision about taking anything down.”
Councilman Jeff Smith shared information about a grant program that could help with the cost of the lights and other safety improvements.
“Whether it’s a curve that you need directional arrows, different painting, different lighting, what not… this might be a good opportunity. It could be a joint effort with the township, fire chief, and police chief to look at some trouble areas.”
Council President Marty Zehnder suggested removing the signal believing it creates an illusion of safety. He says he talked with ODOT about the possibility of installing a traffic light in its place, but they won’t put one in unless the village can show that enough people will use it.
“In order for them to get involved in this, there would have to be a count of how many people are going to use that. And I said, ‘Well, I would rather get it put up before people start using it so nobody gets killed.’”
Council is also considering a measure that would undo a recent speed limit increase on part of South Wooster Avenue. It’s for the section between Second and Fourth streets, which would go back down to 25 miles per hour.