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Strasburg council considering speed limit ‘reset’ on South Wooster 

| January 29, 2024

STRASBURG (WJER) (Jan. 29, 2024) – Village leaders are deciding whether to reset the speed limit on part of South Wooster Avenue. 

During the last council meeting, Solicitor Terry Seeberger introduced legislation to repeal the ordinance declaring the section between 2nd and 9th streets a business zone that members passed back in August.

“What council will have to do is make a determination in passing this ordinance that the area is not necessarily a business district under the Ohio Revised Code, and basically in the ordinance the whereases are kind of a how-to on how to get to that point.” 

Council President Marty Zehnder wants to return the speed limit on that stretch to 35 miles an hour to help reduce traffic congestion coming into town. He made a motion to do so during the January 2nd council meeting, but Seeberger suggested holding off so he could do some research and return with a formal proposal.

The measure will be up for a second reading during the February 6th council meeting and a possible vote two weeks later.

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