Tusky Valley seeking grant to open on-campus health center

ZOARVILLE (WJER) (Dec. 15, 2023) – The Tusky Valley school campus will include a primary care facility if a grant application the district filed in November is successful.
Officials want to put one in what’s now the elementary building when it becomes a community center next year. Superintendent Derek Varansky says the project would be in partnership with the Aultman-Orrville organization, which already provides telehealth services in the school district and would operate the center.
“It would be open to the community. It would allow us to increase what health services are available to our community and also [provide] direct access to our students just across the parking lot.”
Grant recipients will be notified sometime in March. Varansky says if awarded, the funding would cover 100 percent of the setup costs and subsidize the operation for the first year.
“The grant funding would pay for the renovation of this space. It would also pay for Aultman to operate the clinic for one year without having to worry about revenue, and then in turn we would lease the space to Aultman to be able to use.”
Aultman-Orrville operates a school-based health center on the Carrollton school campus that opened three weeks ago as well as the only family medical office within the Tusky Valley school district boundaries.