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Uhrichsville leaders finalize city’s 2022 budget

| March 28, 2022

Uhrichsville city council last week a 2022 operating budget that includes around $1.3-million for capital improvements. (City of Uhrichsville)

UHRICHSVILLE (WJER) (March 28, 2022) – Mayor Mark Haney is sharing some of the highlights of the city’s 2022 operating budget.

He says the spending plan council authorized last week allocates around $1.3-million for capital improvements including between $45,000 and $50,000 for electrical work at the waterpark and $25,000 to resurface the basketball court there.

“We also have the westside park, which I just got the bid yesterday to do the lights down there so I’m gonna approach council at the next meeting about that. And we’re planning on resurfacing that basketball court and bringing it back. It was closed down years ago. The administration, we feel that should be reopened.”

Haney says they’ve also budgeted a quarter-million dollars for paving again this year, although with the cost up 25-percent from 2021 that amount isn’t going to cover as many roads as in the past.

“We won’t get nearly as much bang for our buck as we have for the last couple of years but one of the streets we’re definitely paving is East 11th. We said we were gonna wait to do that until the stadium project was done, so that’ll get done from Eastport to Water Street.”

Other expenses built into this year’s budget include a medium-duty dump truck, a mini track-hoe, and a new police cruiser. Haney says income tax collections last year were up by about $100,00 from 2020, which he attributes to a couple of new businesses coming to town and existing ones rebounding from the shutdowns.     

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