United Way hosting community-wide dress down day

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Jan. 11, 2023) – Businesses and schools around Tuscarawas County are making Friday a dress-down day to raise money for 18 local health and human services programs.
That’s when the United Way of Tuscarawas County is holding its 7th-annual Post-Holiday Blues Day fundraiser. Community Relations Director Susan Reidenbach says participating workplaces will be let employees who buy a sticker wear jeans that day and donate the money they collect to the United Way’s annual campaign.
“Jeans Day for United Way is something that is done nationally but we have just kept ours the second Friday in January. I like to promote it as a way to be in your comfy clothes for the day and support the United Way of Tuscarawas County.”
The United Way provides the stickers and employers set the price for them.
“Some organizations, it’s a $5 donation. Others, maybe it’s a $1 or $2 donation… We just got another inventory of stickers so we are ready to hand out stickers anytime, and even if your organization isn’t looking to do it this Friday. We do have some of the schools that won’t be in session this Friday so they’re doing it Thursday.”
Post-Holiday Jeans Day is the last official fundraiser for the United Way’s annual campaign that supports a dozen organizations including the Tuscarawas Clinic for the Working Uninsured, Noah’s Hope Child Advocacy Center, the Salvation Army, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. The campaign ends in mid-February and has an overall goal of $612,000.