West Nile Virus detected for second time locally this month

DOVER (WJER) (Aug. 31, 2023) – The Tuscarawas County Health Department will spray for mosquitos in Dover this evening after a positive West Nile Virus test at a trapping location there.
Environmental Health Director Mike Kopko says the virus was found in a pool of mosquitoes on Bank Lane near the Tuscarawas River just over the Wooster Avenue bridge.
It’s the second positive West Nile test in the county this month. Kopko says that’s typical. About one in five people who are infected develop symptoms, including a fever and headache, that could linger.
He says they will start to spray around dusk as long as it’s not windy or rainy.
Kopko recommends people keep their windows closed and those with respiratory issues might want to stay inside. Anybody keeping bees or monarch butterflies can call the health department and ask them to skip their house.