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Fundraising complete to bring Veterans monument to Downtown Dover

| January 3, 2022

DOVER (WJER) (Jan. 3, 2021) – Volunteer efforts to build a new veterans’ monument on the square have far exceeded goals and expectations. Councilman Greg Bair says $42,000 has been raised, with another $20,000 in outstanding pledges, to build a lasting tribute to all those who have served or are serving in the United States’ military. Organizers had set early fundraising goals of $18,000, then $25,000 for the monument. Bair says they now have enough money to do more, including professional landscaping, two benches, and a flagpole. He says the plan is to dedicate the monument Memorial Day weekend. It will consist of three slabs adorned with patriotic symbols and the names of the branches of the armed forces and be on the mound at the northwest corner of Third and Wooster.

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