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New Phila Schools awarded grant to pay for TESOL training

| January 31, 2022

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Jan. 27, 2022) – Educators have been jumping at the chance to add a special endorsement to their licenses without the expense. 

New Philadelphia City Schools Programming Director Laurie Hall says around 50 teachers have applied to take the five courses needed to become TESOL-certified for free through the University of Cinncinatti, although she’s not yet sure how many will get to participate since the district is sharing the grant that’s paying for the opportunity with the Canton City School system.  

“It is a wonderful chance for our teachers, and I was just taken aback honestly by the interest that it had… But I think it has come to the point now that we as a school district realize this is a need that’s not going away, and we need to do everything we can to help all of our students at New Phila.”

Hall says it could be up to a year before the educators who are ultimately selected begin the training that focuses on strategies and interventions for teaching English to students as a second language since a couple of districts elsewhere in the state are in line to complete it first. She says without the grant, teachers would be paying $11,500 out of their own pockets for the classes. 

“And what is also nice is the University of Cincinnati has a master’s degree program in this TESOL endorsement, further classes, education. Now, that’s not paid for but at least it gets them a great start in getting that additional degree.”

Hall says New Phila has around 400 students across all grade levels considered English-language learners, the most of any district in Tuscarawas County, but fewer than 10 TESOL-certified teachers.

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