Overdose Awareness Day commemoration set for Thurs evening

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (Aug. 29, 2024) – Partnering agencies are welcoming the public to gather tonight to reflect on those who have lost their battles with addiction and acknowledge the grief of family and friends.
Tuscarawas County Health Department Health Educator Lakyn Craig says their annual Overdose Awareness Day commemoration is today at 6:30 p.m. outside the Tuscarawas County Courthouse with music, a guest speaker, and more.
“The event will recognize Overdose Awareness Day as a day of remembrance. It’s a time for us to remember, without stigma, those who have lost their lives to substance use. It’s also a time to support and share resources with those who are in recovery,” Craig said.
Health officials, Empower Tusc, and the Tuscarawas County Addiction Task Force will be there providing materials and distributing free overdose-reversing naloxone kits.