Planning continues for America’s 250th birthday

NEW PHILADELPHIA (WJER) (July 3, 2024) – As we all get ready to celebrate our nation’s birthday with cookouts and fireworks, area leaders are looking ahead to July 4, 2026.
That’s when America turns 250 years old. Tuscarawas County Commissioner Chris Abbuhl is a member of the local America 250 committee, which is having artist Sarah Dugger paint a mural to commemorate the occasion.
“The mural will be the official America 250 banner but there will also be some things in the background. We’ve given Sarah some artistic expression and we’ve given her some ideas of what we would like that to look like, and she’s going to come up with several different concepts. The location, we’re still leaving as a surprise yet and we’re not exactly sure.”
Communities across Ohio and the nation will be hosting ‘signature events’ leading up to the big day. Abbuhl says they’re bringing a guest speaker to the Kent Tusc Performing Arts Center.
“Retired United States Navy Rear Admiral Peter Cressy will be here speaking about leadership. He comes out of Mt. Vernon [Virginia], from the George Washington Leadership Institute, and so we’re very excited that he’s coming.”
Abbuhl also serves as the president of the County Commissioners Association of Ohio. He has been involved in planning the statewide festivities, some of which will have local ties.
“That gives me a seat on the America 250 Commission so I’m hearing about one of the other things they’re doing. One of them at the kickoff just recently was ‘Ohio Goes to the Movies.’ I know that’s going to continue now through 2026, and I believe that Judge [Michael] Ernest was also at the meeting, and so his theater [Quaker Cinema] is going to be part of that as well.”
There will also be an America’s 250th train ride from Columbus that will carry Governor Mike DeWine and other state leaders to the Dennison Depot.