Search underway for Uhrichsville’s next auditor

UHRICHSIVLLE (WJER) (Jan. 10, 2022) – Mayor Mark Haney is taking on some extra duties following the sudden departure of the city’s former auditor. Haney says he’s making sure the city’s bills and employees get paid while he searches for Jessica Young’s replacement.
“I will have to take over signing the checks. We already talked to the law director and I’ve talked to the treasurer about how we’re going to do this. The assistant auditor is still working.”
Haney is accepting resumes at his office in city hall with the goal of filling the position in the next couple of weeks so the finance committee can get started on the city’s 2022 operating budget.
“We’ve looking for someone with some accounting background, someone who’s very efficient at managing an office, effective in communication, and [willing to] take the certification. You know there is some auditor certification through the state, some classes you have to keep taking to keep up on.”
Young resigned last Thursday after not quite a year in the position, claiming in an email to city officials that she had been subjected to a hostile work environment. Haney denies any mistreatment by his administration or city employees.
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