Work beginning to street in front of Claymont Elementary

UHRICHSVILLE (WJER) (April 17, 2024) – Part of Trenton Avenue will be closed for road work beginning Wednesday.
ODOT is overseeing a more than $750,000 storm sewer replacement and repaving project between South Jay and Herrick streets and awarded the city a grant covering more than 80 percent of the cost. District 11 spokesperson Lauren Borell says the project is taking place in phases beginning with the section east of Claymont Elementary.
“And of course, residents in the closure area will have access maintained throughout the project.”
The only change to pickup and drop-off procedures at the school is that you’ll have to turn left from the parking lot.
“This project uniquely is in the area of a local elementary school, so Claymont Elementary will be impacted by this. However, the city, ODOT, and the contractor have all worked together to create a plan to maintain that traffic.”
The project has a July 31st completion date. Borell says they don’t yet know if phase 2 will begin before or during summer break but will keep everyone updated.